Top 10 Heritage Houses of Clare
In Alphabetical Order
`Bleak House', later 'Weroona' - 1878
28 Agnes Street CLARE SA ( opposite the Buchanan Street intersection, Clare)
Heritage listing includes Stables, Outhouse and Driveway. State Place #10065; State heritage ID 14415
On his retirement from management of Bungaree Station (north of Clare), Mr. W. L. Beare built Bleak House in 1878. The day of 21 April 1883, saw W. L. Beare's removal sale at Bleak House, after which is was sold to Mr. John Christison, mayor of Clare.
It was named after the Charles Dickens' novel 'Bleak House'
Thomas Goode, the pastoralist, purchased "Bleak House" in Clare and renamed it "Ava Weanah", later owned by Mr. J.E. Bray, who entertained 450 people on the lawn.
Later owners called it "Sunnyside".
When it was the residence of Mr. John and Mrs. Christison ("Clare's Finest Citizen", formerly Diana Hope), it was renamed "Weroona" (Resting Place).
The current residents have retained the original name 'Bleak House'.
It is still a private home with the same large garden but is not open to the public.​​
Situated on approximately five acres of land, it has an old world garden. There is a coach house, part of which has been turned into a billiard room.
Approximately symmetrical in form, it is a traditional Australian Villa style except that the end wings of the principal facade are both gabled and bayed, evoking a plan form reminiscent of earlier colonial structures, with recessed central section constructed of random stone with stucco quoins and surrounds to openings.
Slate flagged verandah runs across north-east facade.
Building has fourteen rooms of which the majority connect to the large hall.
Notable features are front rooms with cedar and marble fireplaces.

Social Centre:
A Clare citizen all her life, Diana Hope was born in Clare at "Wolta Wolta", formerly the Hope family residence in the beautiful wooded country on the West boundary of the town.
She was married to Mr. John Christison, then aged 47 years, at St. Peter's Anglican Church, Glenelg in 1896.
Their family home was "Weroona", in Clare.
'Weroona' then became the social centre of Clare, hosting many Fetes, Fairs and Garden Parties. For example:
Northern Argus Fri 28 Oct 1927 Page 5 GARDEN FAIR.
There was a splendid attendance at the home of Mrs. John Christison, "Weroona," Clare, on Wednesday, afternoon last, when a most successful Garden Fair was held in her spacious and beautiful grounds.
Amid the tall grandeur of the pines, other large trees, and shrubs, and well-kept hedges surrounding the lawn, the setting could not have but impressed all present as being typically English, especially when it was noticed that "the Hawthorn buds that ope in the month of May" (both pink and white) were just bursting into flower at the edge of the lawn.
The piece-de-resistance of the afternoon was an Old English Maypole Dance upon the picturesquely circular enclosed lawn. To the strains of piano and violin, lithe and graceful young girls danced around a decorated Maypole, with pink and blue streamers in their hands.
Read more:

Frances Diana Christison nee Hope taken May 1904 in Adelaide

Australian heritage place

Australian heritage place

Australian heritage place

Australian heritage place
Bungaree Homestead Complex - 1850
431 Bungaree Road, (off the Main North Road), Clare, South Australia, 5453
Heritage listing includes the Homestead, Manager's House, Council Chamber, Stables, Office/Store, Men's Kitchen, Shearing Shed, Shearer's Quarters, Swaggie's Hut, Stallion Box and Gate House
State Heritage place 13048 - State Heritage Number 14430
Australian Heritage (Indicative place) Bungaree Homestead Complex Heritage ID 7182
The original station was taken up by G C Hawker and his brothers in 1840 and at this time it was the northern most settlement in the colony of South Australia.
The Station was established on Christmas Day 1841, when George C Hawker and his brothers, arrived with 2,000 sheep from NSW.
The site was chosen where they found good drinking water.
The Station was called Bungaree as this was the Aboriginal name for the area.
The now famous Merino sheep flock was founded here in the following year.
The Station is the home of one of the oldest Merino flocks and in 1993 was run by George Hawker, a fourth generation descendant of George C Hawker.
Other buildings in the complex are the Manager's House, The Council Chamber, the Men's Kitchen, the Shearing Shed, the Shearer's Quarters and the Swaggie's Hut.
The first rough dwelling was replaced in 1850 by a simple two storied house.
Parts of the stone buildings still in use today, date back to 1842. All the stone buildings, made from sandstone quarried nearby, were erected by the end of the 1860s although additions have been made over the years.

After a long and distinguished career in parliament, founder G C Hawker died in 1895
Later the property was later split among his sons, the homestead portion going to his seventh son, R M Hawker.
Bungaree became a small village with its beautiful sandstone Woolshed, Shearers Quarters, Stable Yard, Station Store, Managers House, staff cottages and even the District Council Chambers and a Church.
It is still a working farm, run by the 4th, 5th and 6th generations of the Hawker family today.​
Self guided tours of historic Bungaree Station provide visitors with an authentic insight into Australia's pioneering past. Prices start at $15.
Read more:​
Northern Argus (Clare, SA) Tue 29 Oct 1878 Page 3 BUNGAREE ESTATE.
The Mail (Adelaide, SA) Sat 26 Sep 1936 Page 10 Hawkers Of Bungaree
Bungaree Station - Heritage Accommodation in the Clare Valley
The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA) Fri 24 May 1895 THE LATE HON. G.C. HAWKER.
Hill River Station - 1849
Fisher Road, off Farrell Flat Road near Clare, Hill River, South Australia 5453
Heritage listing includes Homestead and Coach House/Stables. State Place #10079.
SA Heritage Number 14434
Australian Heritage: Hill River Main House, Coach House & Stables Farrell Flat Rd Clare, SA

One of the best-known S.A. stately homes is the historic Hill River Station, near Clare.
Hill River Station was the largest farm in South Australia, if not the largest in Australia.
The Hill River Run was originally taken up in 1841 by William Robinson.
The original part of the homestead was built of local sandstone in 1849 with a slate roof (brought to Australia as ballast on the sailing ship).
​The artist S.T. Gill visited in 1846 as part of the ill-fated Horrocks expedition. Gill prepared several watercolours of the thriving homestead, which was at that time perhaps the most advanced pastoral establishment in the Mid North.
During the period that Fisher held the lease (from 1855 to 1876) he converted 60,000 acres into freehold at a cost of $180,000 and in addition spent $60,000 on improvements such as subdivisions, fencing and general land cleared for wheat production.
In 1875, 50,000 sheep were shorn, while 4,250 acres were sown to wheat annually in addition to 1,800 acres of new land turned up for fallow - one wheat field was three miles long.

Hill River Station went on to become one of the great South Australian pastoral properties of the 1800s, being subsequently owned 1855–76 by C.B. Fisher and then by John Howard Angas, setting numerous records for its production of wool and sheep.
About 1855 Robinson sold the leasehold run to C.B. Fisher for the sum of 40,000 pounds with 40,000 sheep included offshears.
In 1876 C.B. Fisher sold Hill River to John Howard Angas for 220,000 pounds. The clearing sale took 18 days and was described at the time as the largest sale of its class ever held in the colony, or indeed in Australia.
Mr Dudley Angas (father of the present occupier, Mr Alastair Angas) came to Hill River to live in 1917. He was the first member of the Angas family to actually live there, the property being operated previously by a manager.
After his marriage in 1925 Mr Dudley Angas commenced expensive alterations and additions to the original home. The architect for the 1927 extensions was a Mr J Evans. However a plan of alterations and additions to the single storey Residence of D T Angas, Hill River, Clare, were drawn up in 1929 by architect F K Milne.
The north wing was added, using the same local stone, which was obtained by demolishing a derelict cottage of the early 1840s. The original slate roof was brought to Australia as ballast on a sailing ship, so Angas used Mintaro slate for the roof.
It is hard for the casual observer to tell where the original building of 1849 ends and the additions of 1827-1928 begins.
The picturesque kitchens, yards, quarters and outbuildings are well preserved and interesting relics of the major development period of Hill River.
The Stables were built with huge stones, and a wooden lintel over the coach house doors.The substantial stone walled horse enclosure is of particular significance.
C.B. Fisher had a stone wall built to enclose his acreage, stretching for 65 km north of Hill River along the ridge of the Camel Hump range of hills, towards 'Bundaleer'.
Read more: Clare Museum: Heard-about-the-Great-Hill-River-Stone-Wall​
Clare Museum: 'C.B.' - Charles Brown Fisher
Merino sheep breeding at the Hill River Estate - The Australasian (Melbourne, Vic.) Sat 30 Jul 1892 Page 7
Hope Cottage - 1848
11 Wright Street Clare
State Heritage Place 10078 State Heritage ID 14433 Australian Heritage ID 7167
One of the early properties to be registered with the Lands Titles Office in 1848, Hope Cottage is full of enchantment.
Heritage listed, the cottage has had two previous owners and Mrs Baxter lived a full and rich life in the cottage until the late 1980s.
Mrs Baxter, who was born in 1886, has historical connections with both the Hill River Station and the Polish Hill River Settlement.
The Baxters bought hope cottage in 1924 from Miss McKinnon, whose mother (who was born in 1839), had lived there before that. There also appears to have been a previous owner.
The late Mr Hope apparently owned the land about the Cottage.

Hope Cottage was built of stone with very thick walls (900mm in one place).
There is one stamped-earth floor, and the bathroom floor is of slate and large bricks,
One bedroom has been re-floored with jarrah and the kitchen has been cemented.
Ceilings are curved and lined with wood, possibly added later, since early ceilings were often calico or hessian.
Furnishing is of the Victorian period.
Shingle roof below iron roof.
Originally three rooms, kitchen and bathroom at back were added later.
Read more:
Realestate.com.au 11 Wright Street, Clare, SA 5453
Not to be confused with Hope Cottage, Penwortham, or The National Trust Hope Cottage Kingston, K.I.
Inchiquin Homestead - 1842-1845
Main North Road, North CLARE (opposite Zonta Gardens)
(including early additions and outbuildings), stone walls and stables.
State Heritage ID 14552; Heritage Number 14421 Australian Heritage Place ID 7189
INCHIQUIN, that beautiful old home, is about 0.25km north of Clare on the Main North Road, Clare. It is remarkable for the fact that it has only belonged to two families in the first 100 years of existence.
These were the Gleesons and the James Hills, of 'Bundaleer'.
The Gleesons were there from 1838 to 1884, when the Hills acquired the property (pictured below).

Inchiquin was built by Paddy Gleeson. He was a sort of Pooh-Bah of the Lower North. He ran everything.
He was president or chairman of almost every activity for miles around.
They called him the "King of Clare." In 1868 Clare was made a corporation.
Of course his majesty of "Inchiquin" was the first mayor.
​But he seems to have ruled his 800 subjects with a light sceptre, for there is no gainsaying the fact that he was extremely popular. Gleeson died at Clare in 1870, and is buried there.
The original house, "Old Inchiquin" was a plain, white-washed building with a thatched roof, and was built by Edward Burton Gleeson on the site of the present tennis court.
There was a stone structure at the back where the Inchiquin residence now stands.
The Hills added the ballroom, the scene of many social gatherings of their time.
As each daughter and grandchild came of age they celebrated their twenty-first birthday within its walls.
The Inchiquin garden was something more than the gardens of early days, and William Smoker, the gardener, grew splendid pineapples. There was also a fine orangery.
Bishop Short, in his diary, states:— 'Called on Mrs. Gleeson. place and garden delightful.'
Read more:
SA History - articles - 18-Clare
Clare Museum: Founder Paddy Gleeson: "King of Clare"

Kookynie - 1882
488 Muanu Road via Outa-Wurta Road BOCONNOC PARK - About 5.25km west-south-west of Clare.
SA Heritage ID 14517 Australian Heritage ID 7190 (Indicative Place)
Established in 1882, this was the homestead of Mr. Alf. Roberts, which is situated three or four miles East from Blyth. An imposing two story historic stone home, this is sited amongst an established lawned and natural treed setting.
It is interesting to note that Mr Robert's brother was the discoverer of the Kookynie goldfield in Menzies Shire, Western Australia and so this house was named.
Kookynie is situated on the westerly slopes of the ranges looking towards the open grain growing plains of the Mid North towards St Vincent Gulf
Upstairs are three large bedrooms and two bathrooms.
Downstairs consists of dining room, drawing room, sitting room, kitchen, laundry, sun room and access to a below ground 2 roomed cellar.
Character features include 14 ft ceilings, central stair case, original fire surrounds, ornate ceiling roses and cornice together with beautiful timber doors and architraves. The general proportions of this home and every room size is expansive.
The home has feature fire surrounds, ornate ceiling roses and cornice together with beautiful timber doors and architraves, giving it the charm and ambience.
Read more:
Real Estate Sold: $1,600,000 on 18 Jul 2014; $1,800,000 on 29 Dec 2016

Mill Street Cottage - 1872
2 Mill Street Clare
State Heritage Place 10161 State Heritage ID ​14425
Made of locally quarried limestone built on the English cottage style.
The cottage represents the type of home owned by a middle class artisan.
Mintaro slate, reputed to be the best in Australia, was used on the verandah and kitchen.
A six-roomed two storey stone residence in English cottage style.
Local sandstone used for 18in thick ground floor walls and 12in for upper floor. Mintaro slate flags to verandah and kitchen.
The masonry was by Rogers and the joinery by James Richards, first owner, blacksmith and wheelwright.
Occupied by Richards until mid 1890s,
then by L A Davies, local chemist.
Purchased by Mr. Blight in 1901 and occupied by the family until 1964.

Windsor Lodge - 1867
33 Union Street CLARE SA
SA Heritage ID 14503 Australian Heritage ID 7204
Clare and Gilbert Valleys Local Heritage Item 25
Only four family names have graced the halls of this stately Georgian style home since its original construction in 1867.
Has the warmth, character and charm of its era
Its design is based on the hunting lodge at Windsor Castle.

Wolta Wolta Homestead - 1871
West Terrace (Neagles Rock Road), Clare, South Australia 5453
SA Heritage ID 14504 - Australian Heritage Register ID 7205
Clare and Gilbert Valleys Council Local Heritage No 26
Historically, Wolta Wolta is important as an excellent example of periodic changes in the economic fortunes and social lifestyle of locally important resident pastoralists in nineteenth century South Australia.

A little history about Wolta Wolta...
The Wolta Wolta Name Means: "lots of water and lots of pheasants"
Original Construction
Pastoralist John Hope constructed the original Wolta Wolta homestead in 1846.
Original Construction
The last addidion to Mr Hope's home were completed in 1871.
Destroyed by Bushfire
Wolta Wolta Homestead was destroyed by the Ash Wednesday Bushfire in 1983
Robert Parker Purchased
In 2007 Robert Parker commenced resoration of Wolta Wolta to its original grandeur.
By supporting Wolta Wolta you are securing the future of South Australian history.
Architecturally, Wolta Wolta is an excellent example of how a humble one room cottage can evolve, through five stages, into a grand homestead.
The 1869-70 front wing designed by the architect Garlick is a particularly sophisticated and elegant design which ties the house together into a unified design.
Environmentally, Wolta Wolta is one of the notable homesteads in the Clare district which, because of its central location, contributes significantly to the historic and built character of the town.
The Design: Evolved from simple one room dwelling.
Major additions 1869 changed character of homestead.
Read more:
Clare Museum: The Hope family of "Wolta Wolta"
Clare Museum: Clare's First Settlers
Clare Museum: John Hope