The top 10 oldest heritage buildings around Clare
In Order of Date built
All are State Heritage Listed Buildings ​with SA Heritage links
St Michael's Church (1849)
29 Victoria Road, Clare SA 5453
SA Heritage ID 14500 Australian Heritage ID 7196
The first substantial building in the village of Clare was St Michael's Catholic Church, just the third Catholic Church in the colony of SA.
Building commenced in 1847 and was completed in 1849
The larger, current church was completed in 1883

Northern Argus (Clare, SA) Fri 26 Oct 1928 Page 3 BACK TO CLARE
"From 1846 to 1852 State Aid granted to the pioneers of religion enabled them to commence their little churches and dwellings.
Clare, the largest town then north of Adelaide, participated in this grant, and St. Michael's Church is built on the Glebe land granted by Governor Robe and his Executive Council."
"On Monday the 18th of January,1847, the Rev. Michael Ryan, V.G., laid the foundation stone of a Catholic Church dedicated to St.Patrick, in the village of Clare, on the River Hutt.
Divine Service was commenced in the morning, and after Mass the number of Catholics present accompanied the clergyman to witness the ceremonies of laying the foundation stone.
The church will be built in the Gothic style and is intended to accommodate two hundred persons."
The Bishop placed (the church) under the protection of St. Michael the Archangel, the church being the Archangel.
During its erection the Vicar General often rode from Adelaide to see how the work was progressing, and once his horse dropped dead at Penwortham, which obliged him to walk all the way to Adelaide.
First Ordination in South Australia.
This third church received as its first priest in charge the first priest (who was) ordained in this State.
On the 9th of July, 1848, the Bishop, assisted by Fathers Michael Ryan and Dr. Backhaus, conferred the order of priesthood on the Rev. Dennis McGuinn, and he was at once sent to Clare.
National Trust Museum (1850 - Police Station)
Neagles Rock Rd, Clare SA 5453
SA State Heritage ID 14432 Australian Heritage ID 7171
This building was the first seat of local government in Clare, but was built originally for court procedures.
It consisted of a large stone masonry building of six rooms, a mortuary, solid conveniences and a gaol (now demolished) with diamond paned glass windows in front.
It was used as a casualty hospital from 1888 to 1922, as a residence and is now a museum run by the National Trust of South Australia.

The building consists of four rooms, plus large lean-to at rear or west side.
Principal facade distinctive for mitred corners of main rooms containing entrances to former courthouse and constable's rooms
Unusual gabled porch with pointed segmental arch openings.
Constructed of random rubble walling with brick quoins, strings and surrounds to openings.
Slight ecclesiastic air with paired chimneys, casement windows with small diagonal patterned panes.
Slate "Police Station" tablet remains over main entrance.
St Barnabas Anglican Church (1851)
25 Farrell Flat Road, Clare SA 5453

Built in 1851, in simple Gothic Revival design, St Barnabas was the outcome of much active lobbying by the founder of Clare, E. B. Gleeson, and other local people of influence.
It is one of the earliest surviving rural Anglican churches of its type and reflects the religious aspirations of settlers at the time.
It is claimed to be the oldest church north of Adelaide.
The Rev. Bagshawe, the incumbent, was the architect of both Clare and Penwortham Churches and of the parsonage. Read more:
In 1851 a visiting journalist noted that:
"Clare has an Episcopal Church, on the hill, near the entrance of the village from the Burra, in course of erection;
the design is Gothic, and the edifice will perhaps contain 200 persons ; but it is not far advanced, and there seemed a want of funds, or energy, or something to complete it."
Significant Interest
A simple church in Gothic Revival style constructed of local stone.
The interior of the church contains records of many pioneer families on tablets, windows and memorials.
Likewise the patterned wood ceiling and fine reredos are important examples. A chancel and vestry were added in 1874.
Land was granted for a church in 1848, and in 1850 a cornerstone was laid by Mrs E. B. Gleeson. This church has been the place of worship for many of the principal people of the district- in the days of the nineteenth century pastoral elite and beyond-and has seen an active wider ministry in the community.
Chronicle (Adelaide, SA) Thu 13 Jun 1929 Page 51...
Services had previously been held in the court-house, a picturesque building, nestling in the hills to the west of the town, by Archdeacon Hale, who itinerated the
district in the late forties.
The church was opened for service in 1851, the Rev. J. C. Bagshawe, M.A., being incumbent. He lived in Penwortham parsonage, six miles away, and served Clare from thence.
Originally (in 1851) Clare was the post town for Bundaleer station, then owned by John Bristow Hughes.
When his eldest daughter, Maria, was born, he gave a bell to St. Barnabas's Church as a thank-offering. He caused her name and date of birth (1851) to be inscribed round the rim of the bell. The heroine of the bell was still living in 1929.
In 1852 Mr. Bagshawe left for St. John's, Adelaide, and the Rev. William Wood (a deacon) succeeded him.
Bishop Short notes in his visitation of 1857— 'The church at Clare, desolate enough, even the gables falling out and sheep feeding in the churchyard. After service spoke to the church wardens about saving the building by tie rods, and about fencing the churchyard.
In the time of the Rev. S. Dutton Green, the church was renovated and consecrated (February 28, 1864). The porch door was moved from the north side to its present position. Mr. Green and family left the same year for England. Read more...
The 91st anniversary of St. Barnabas', Clare, was attended by the Vice-Regal party
At left: Two stained glass windows within St. Barnabas, donated by Mrs. Di Christison, 'Hope' is in memorial of her father, John Hope. 'Faith' is to the mem​ory of her husband John Christison.
Below left: WW1 Honour Board at St Barnabas Anglican Church: A bronze plaque with a brass inset of names.
Architectural Analysis of Interest
This church was built in 1850-1 and probably finished in 1852, a chancel and vestry were added in 1874.
It is constructed of stone walling on a rectangular floor plan, with buttresses to corners and three on northern and southern facades.
The roof of the church is gabled, as is that to the porch and chancel, although there is also a skillion roofed section appended to the chancel on the southern facade.
Roofing is clad in corrugated galvanised iron.
Verges are clad in masonry and eaves have guttering. At the point of ridge and gable on the western facade is a small belfrey and a cross sits in a similar position on the porch.
Lancet windows are placed between buttresses and doors are of lancet shape.
The interior of the church is in fine condition and contains in physical form the life of the congregation, via tablets, memorials and windows.
The ceiling is an ornate feature with diamond and circular shaped panels of timber.
The chancel has a simple, yet beautiful, 1952 reredos (an ornamental screen covering the wall at the back of an altar).
Historical Analysis of Interest
In July 1848, Bishop Short received a land grant by 'Her Majesty's Special Grace', for a section of 20 acre at Clare 'Upon trust for the erection thereon and for the maintenance and repair of a Church to be called St Barnabas Church Clare'.
On 27 February 1850, E. B. Gleeson, with a number of other notables including Reverend J. C. Bagshaw; CH. Watts; G. C. Hawker and J. Maynard, proposed that a Church of England be erected.
Later in that year, Gleeson's wife, Mrs E. B. Gleeson laid the cornerstone for St Barnabas' and by January 1851 construction was in progress.
Gleeson was appointed a trustee and Church Warden.
All that remains of the Gleesons lies in the family vault, close to the church, and the Gleeson home, Inchiquin, has passed into other hands.
Mrs. Gleeson outlived her husband, and died at a good old age. She saw eight names inscribed upon the family tombstone before her own was added to the number.
The church was apparently built and opened for worship in 1851, but it was not until the Diocesan Assembly, meeting in January 1853, that the wider church was informed that St Barnabas' had been completed during the last year.
In 1874 a chancel and vestry were added.
This church has played a pivotal role in the lives of many Clare residents.
They were baptised in the church, taught in its school room or (in the early days) buried in its cemetery.

Uniting Church (1857 - Wesleyan Chapel)
Former Clare Wesleyan Methodist Church Complex
(including 1857 Chapel [now a dwelling],
1866 Church [now Uniting] and 1888 Hall)
Victoria Road, Clare SA

Historical Interest
The roots of Clare's Methodism were in Burra.
Some of the Cornish miners at that place were zealous in their Wesleyan faith and established strong links with Clare.
Some even felt that the Burra mines would not last forever and purchased land, built their huts and set out with ' a robust faith and a determination to build chapels in which to meet for fellowship, worship and instruction in the Word of God'.
A small chapel was built at Spring Farm outside of Clare and from here grew the local Methodist cause.
At the town, the Wesleyans met for class meetings in a cottage as early as 1851 and by 1855 were holding services in John Maynard's house.
William Roscrow, who purchased the land on section 85 from Thomas Magor in 1866, 'had a passion to see a Wesleyan Chapel erected in the Clare Township'.
It was he who purchased the corner block in present-day Victoria Street and gave it to the Wesleyans for their chapel.
This church complex was built in three stages:
chapel, 1857; church, 1866; lecture hall, 1888.
Architectural Interest
The chapel is constructed of stone walling running up to corners without defined quoins and windows have lintels and sills but no defined surrounds.
It is of a rectangular floor plan approximately 12m x 7m.
Roof is gabled with moulding at verges and guttering at the eaves.
On the Victoria Rd facade there is a central arched doorway with a belfrey at the ridge.
Each of the side walls has three rectangular sash windows with small panes in wooden frames.
The interior of the chapel is sparse, with little left of church furniture
The church is of Gothic Revival style, constructed of stone walling with detailed buttressing and surrounds to openings.
It has a basic rectangular floor plan of about 13m x 26m.
It has a gabled roof clad in corrugated galvanised iron with masonry verges and guttering to eaves.
The northern facade has a double entrance door with a broad staircase to the ground.
This door is enclosed in a narrow gabled porch, with a lancet window either side of the porch.
There are small rectangular spires worked from the corner buttresses and a small one at the ridge.
Six lancet windows are interspersed between the buttresses on the western and eastern facades.
There is a narrow vestry on the southern interior of the church and a porch below an 1877 gallery.
There are two aisles and three rows of pews.
A false ceiling has been added and changes made to the southern altar end.
The lecture hall is a large building approximately 21m x 17m on exterior walls, including the side portions.
It is constructed of stone walling with brick quoins and surrounds to openings.
There is a tall central portion with gabled roof and until June 1990 there were symmetrically arranged small gabled roof wings to east and west.
(The eastern one has since been demolished).
A skillion roofed section to the south has been added recently with modern conveniences.
While the external integrity was excellent the inside of the building has been greatly altered.
An additional false ceiling has greatly changed its character.
These three buildings are a significant example of a complete nineteenth century church site.
Church Built:
Edward Gleeson, an Anglican himself, but the town's most prominent citizen, presided over a meeting that discussed the possible erection of a chapel.
The business proceeded apace and by July 1857, the building was ready for its first service.
Rev. Butter preached 'three most impressive sermons' during the opening ceremonies and local adherents gathered to witness the proclamation of their faith.
Within another nine years this plain, simple chapel was too small and on 22 July 1866 the foundation stone of a church, of Gothic revival style, was laid.
This church had a vestry added in 1877 and a gallery in 1883.
Such was the strength of the Wesleyan cause in Clare that a large lecture hall was built in 1888.
For a time also the church was used as a school.

Historical Interest
Clare's first town hall was built by private individuals and the hall and room were valued at £100 for the purpose of local government assessment in 1868.
In February 1866 the Clare Town Hall Company bought a portion of section 39 from John William Gleeson.
The Directors of this Company included
Edward Burton Gleeson;
Augustus Edward Davies;
Arthur King;
Edward Beckmann;
Charles Kimber;
Alexander MacDonald and
William Kelly.
A year later Thomas Moyses and Charles Houlton Webb were added to the list.
The task of this Company was to construct a Town Hall suitable for the needs of the local community.
The 1860s saw many new buildings erected in Clare under the impetus of community growth.
However, the Town Hall Company sold their institution to the Corporation of Clare in 1875 for £800.
The local newspaper recorded that 'the building is well worth the money, and when put in thorough repair the hall and offices will pay good interest on the money'.
The Corporation retained the building until a new hall and offices were built in the 1920s.
Built in 1866 as Clare's first town hall by a private company.
In 1875 it was bought by the Corporation of the Town of Clare and continued in use as a civic centre until the new town hall was built in the 1920s.
It is one of the few examples of a town hall sponsored by private individuals and one of the few of Clare's earliest buildings that has survived.
Acrobatics: Advertiser Fri 1 May 1868 Page 3 CLARE.
Mons. Vertelli and his talented troupe of acrobats have been giving a few entertainments
at Clare.
On Monday, at the Town Hall, Monsieur Vertelli attempted his perilous feats on the wire rope, but owing to his not being able to secure a sufficient hold for the cable, one end parted, and he got a fall.
Happily, he escaped with a bruise on the head, which did not prevent him from continuing his entertainment.
On Tuesday he walked on a rope from the National Bank, Clare, to the brewery across the road, at an elevation of about 15 feet, and on Wednesday between two gum trees, south of Clare, at a still higher elevation. In each case his cool daring was loudly and deservedly applauded.
Significant Interest
1. Architectural:
An unusual mid-nineteenth century building featuring a tower-without clock- on its main facade and a large hipped gambrel roof over the hall.
The stone walling is interesting as an example of constructional techniques at the period.
2. Historical:
The land was owned by a number of individuals until it was purchased in February 1866 by the Directors of the Clare Town Hall Company.
In 1868, after the hall was built, the local Corporation valued the hall and room at £100.
In 1875 the Corporation purchased the building as a civic centre.
It was in use until the 1920s for this purpose.
Architectural Interest:
This former Town Hall was built in or about 1866.
It is based on a rectangular floor plan approximately 1Om x 22m overall.
The Main North Rd facade has a central arched doorway in an entrance porch topped by a tower and spanned on either side by offices.
The front section of the building is taken up by these renovated rooms.
Although access could not be gained to the interior of the hall for photographs, it is currently in use as a second hand furniture shop.
The hall is largely unchanged.
A lean-to at the rear with skillion roof is used as a storehouse.
The building is constructed of stone with stone quoins and surrounds to openings, although the Main North Rd facade has been heavily rendered and painted.
The hall is topped by a hipped gambrel roof and clad with corrugated galvanised iron, with skylights interspersed along the sides and ventilators on the ridge.

Dr. Bain is credited with formation of the Clare Institute, giving the land and aiding in the erection of the building in 1872 to be a centre of culture and education.
The room upstairs was used for schooling by Millie Tilbrook from 1915.
South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA) Thu 19 Dec 1861 Page 3 CLARE
I believe it is intended by several inhabitants of Clare to endeavour to establish an Institute here.
A meeting will soon be held, when the public will be invited to approve of the object and support it.
Northern Argus (Clare, SA) Fri 26 May 1871 Page 2
The Institute is this evening, to have the benefit of a grand vocal and histrionic performance, at the Clare Hall, for the building funds.
As is now pretty well-known, it is intended to raise a building which shall be the property of the members of the Institute;
it is considered that an Institute in a town of the size and importance of Clare should do something more than merely exist in the hired room of a building, such as if things were as they ought to be one might expect the Institute itself to own.
When a Government grant of £250 was recently made for it, it was determined to raise a like sum, and with the total to put up a building for the Institute,
which should not only make its members landlords instead of tenants, but be an ornament and credit to the town of Clare.
A design and plans were obtained, sent to, and approved of by the Government, and it is intended soon to commence the erection of the a building.
In the meantime, every endeavour is being made to raise the £250 required to add to the Government grant; a subscription-list is now going its round, and above £80 is already promised;
the performance this evening may, of course, be expected to add something handsome to the funds.
Statement of Significance
Of significant intrinsic architectural merit, closes the vista from Ness Street end. Is an important townscape element of Clare. With adjacent courthouse and other Victorian structures nearby, the building is part of a noteworthy group.
A pleasing two storied building with impressive facade at the end of Clare Post Office and Police Street.
Memorial to raise subscriptions to build started in 1871 supplemented by 250 pound government grant.
Tender of 637 pound 10 shillings by contractors H Bowley and Lewis.
Government petitions for extra 150 pounds to help wipe off debt.
It is at present a library and contains 6,000 volumes.
Two storeyed and well proportioned with large and lofty interiors.
Well detailed facade closes vista from Main Street is characterised by pedimented topped openings, console supported at ground floor level,
with piano nobile (first floor) emphasised by French door opening to cast iron supported balconettes built in Classical style
is austere but proportioning system lends distinction.
Interior also noteworthy. First floor contains meeting room across full width of the building. Staircase is finely finished.
Windows at rear are twelve paned, double hung.
ANZ Bank (formerly ES&A) - 1876
243 Main North Rd, Clare, SA
It is one of the finest buildings of its type and period in the Lower North, and was used as a bank for many years.
Statement of Cultural Significance
An elaborate two storey banking chamber and offices built, probably, in 1876 for the E S & A Bank.
It is one of the finest examples of a late nineteenth century banking house in the Lower North.
It was built at a time of prosperity in Clare and district.
Relevant Criteria
Important to the understanding of the evolution and pattern of South Australia's environmental, social or cultural heritage and possessed of aesthetic values.
Significant Interest
Represents one of the finest examples of an elaborate banking structure in the Lower North.
Contains many classical influences in the design and is an example of fine masonry work.
A branch of the E S & A Bank opened in Clare in the 1860s.
Tenders for this building were called in June 1876.
It was one of many commercial buildings erected at Clare during the 1870s.

This banking house has recently been restored and renovated and offices have been incorporated in former outbuildings and attached to the main structure.
The bank and former manager's dwelling are two storey and attached buildings at rear are of one storey.
The banking chamber facing Main North Rd is considerably higher than other sections.
Its Main North Rd facade uses classical motifs as adornments to windows and doors.
An ornate parapet, again using classical motifs, surmounts the bank section.
The building is constructed entirely of stone, with rendered, moulded and blocked quoins and rendered and moulded surrounds to openings.
Classical scrolls are used as 'keystones' on the arched windows at sides.
The structure has a hipped roof, although the now attached outbuildings have skillion roofs. All are clad in corrugated galvanised iron.
The interior has largely been changed by renovations, but much of the original decorative moulding and ceiling work and arches has been retained.
The main chamber now leads through to rear offices via a series of arches.
The former dwelling upstairs has also been converted to offices and storage space.
The staircase is a fine example of late nineteenth century woodwork and has ornate, lathed posts and balustrade.
The 1870s were a time of enormous growth in Clare.
R. J. Noye records that 'for some years Clare was a thriving centre of commerce'.
It was a supplier of goods to more northern towns, a transport and service centre.
Horticultural produce, flour and dairy produce were all marketed at Clare.
One of the signs of growth at the time was the increasing number of new commercial buildings being erected.
The E S & A Bank had an office in Clare from the 1860s.
Their decision to call tenders for this new Bank in 1876 was probably prompted by the commercial vitality of the town.
One source claims that it was not built until 1882, but this appears unlikely, and was almost certainly constructed immediately after tenders were called.
Knappstein Winery (Enterprise Brewery - 1878)
2 Pioneer Avenue, Clare SA
Clare Breweries: From the Clare History by Robert Noye.
"By 1859 Jonathan Filgate was leasing the original Clare Brewery, which was on a hill, near the Presbyterian Church !"
"Clares's third brewery was in a two-storey stone building in Main Street, opposite the old National Bank, and was originally built by William Kerr, although District Council records name Charles Fenton as the first owner and occupier." That older brewery in the Main street of Clare is now part of the popular Clare Bakery.
This new North Clare building was erected by Mrs Filgate in 1878 and operated as a partnership with William Richardson.
When husband Mr Filgate had died in about 1866, his widow continued the business.
The half-share of Mr. Richardson was later purchased by Mr. Christison in 1881,
who carried on the business as Enterprise Brewery from 1905 as the sole owner until his death in 1912.
By then he owned not only the three Clare Hotels but also another dozen in surrounding townships, from Riverton to Koolunga, and Lochiel to Red Hill.
Beer was delivered over a wide area of the mid-north, and by rail to Broken Hill.
After Mr Christison died, a co-operative (of Messrs. Tolley, the hotel publicans and Mrs. Christison) took over until it ceased operation in 1916.
Mrs. Christison had sold half of her shares (worth in total around £30,000) and she became a wealthy woman, and a scion of Clare Society.
The onset of WW1, shorter hotel opening hours, and of the Temperance movement scuttled the business by 1916.
The premises were purchased for the manufacture of soft drinks by F Bulfield in 1917, which continued for many years using the trademark of racehorse and jockey.
Mrs. Christison sold the surplus land to Mr. T.P. Gillen, but retained the section now known as Pioneer Park, which she later presented to Clare District Council as a memorial park.
This is a typical brewery building, with a chimney for power and a tower for gravitation.
The main cellar is mostly original and retains sumps and a dirt floor, ventilate grating and massive timber work with huge horizontal section still used for keg storage. Second cellar has been converted to stainless steel bin storage.
Above ground complex:
Tower, walling of random stone, contains large timber section designed to support large mass of water. Most of complex is open space under corrugated galvanised iron roof with walls to south-west and north-west substantially constructed of hammer dressed random bluestone. Stack also bluestone.
Statement of Significance
The brewery complex is significant for its substantial and well constructed and detailed buildings.
Tower and chimney are Clare landmarks as the complex is just east of the main northern road.
Complex also notable because although buildings have been termed; typical of all breweries and mill buildings, this is one of the best of the robust industrial complexes remaining.
The significance of the above ground structures is matched by separate cellars.

Knappstein Enterprise Winery History:
1878 Enterprise Brewery Built
Fanny Filgate was an entrepreneurial businesswomen, and the eldest daughter of the founding father of the Clare township – Edward Burton Gleeson (Paddy Gleeson).
She construction the Enterprise Brewery in August 1878 and was completed early in 1880.
Its purpose was to satisfy the thirst of local miners in South Australia. As the copper mining industry took off, so did Fanny’s beer sales.
1905 Brewery renamed to Clare Brewery
In 1905 the name was changed to Clare Brewery and during that time, the brewery owned no less than fifteen hotels in Clare and the surrounding district.
Beer was delivered over a wider area including being transported to Broken Hill by rail.
The brewery was enlarged, the roof of the building lifted, the tower reconstructed, and an elevator fitted in 1913, which enabled 1,000 gallons of beer to be produced daily, 200 hogsheads per week. See the Brewery Expansion Event.
Shorter hotel trading hours were introduced in 1916 that led to a drop in sales, and within one year the brewery was closed.
1917 Clare Mineral Waters
In 1917, the brewery was leased and commenced trading as the Clare Mineral Waters Company, producing a range of soft drinks and cordials until 1976.
It was led by Frank Bulfield who had visited Clare in 1910 on a sporting trip and liked it so much he returned to take up the role as brewery secretary in 1912.
By 1960, Clare Mineral Waters had nine staff and an annual wages bill of £6000.
1976 Enterprise Winery established
The Enterprise brewery building was established as a winery by the Knappstein family in 1976 and was known as Clare Enterprise Winery.
It later became known as The Knappstein Enterprise Winery.
New National Bank (1881)
254 Main North Rd, Clare SA
SA Heritage ID 14497 Australian Heritage ID 7191
No heritage Appraisal Notes found so far
Advertiser Fri 1 May 1868 Page 3 CLARE.
Mons. Vertelli and his talented troupe of acrobats have been giving a few entertainments at Clare.
On Tuesday he walked on a rope from the National Bank, Clare, to the brewery across the road, at an elevation of about 15 feet, and on Wednesday between two gum trees, south of Clare, at a still higher elevation. In each case his cool daring was loudly and deservedly applauded.
South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA) Thu 1 Apr 1880 Page 7 CLARE, March 30.
There is some talk about a new National Bank being erected in the town.
The premises occupied by that Bank at present are too small for the amount of business that is done, and it will he detrimental to that banking institution here if more commodious buildings are not put up.
S. A. Chronicle and Weekly Mail (Adelaide, SA) Sat 1 Jan 1881 Page 24 CLARE, DECEMBER 22.
The new National Bank is already assuming an imposing appearance, and Mr. Munro, the contractor, is to be congratulated on the progress he has made.
The building itself is not so handsome as its rival, the English, Scottish, and Australian Chartered Bank, but there can be no question as to the great improvement it is in the Main-street of Clare.
Burra Record (SA) Fri 13 May 1881 Page 3 CLARE, May 12.
Our new National Bank is now finished, and is quite an ornament to the town. The contract price was £2,000.
South Australian Weekly Chronicle (Adelaide, SA) Sat 13 Aug 1881 Page 4
Since our last visit several improvements have taken place in and about the town, the principal one being the handsome edifice erected opposite the Post Office by the National Bank of Australasia.
The building, though not nearly so fine a one as that of the English and Scottish, is nevertheless a decided acquisition to the main street, and far superior to the miserable little premises hitherto occupied by the bank officers. It is built of stone, and rises above the buildings on either side of it in conspicuous importance.
Kapunda Herald (SA ) Tue 7 Feb 1882 Page 3 CLARE.
The premises lately occupied by the National Bank was put up for auction, and they were knocked down to a local bootmaker for £750.

Mr Micks (former Leasingham Winery)
Cellar Door & Board Room - 1882
7 Dominic Street CLARE SA
SA State Heritage ID 14416
Statement of Cultural Significance
Clare Survey Item No.: 24
Built in 1882 through to the early 1890s, these two buildings relate to one of Clare's earliest factory based industries- a fruit-preserving factory.
In 1894 the buildings were incorporated, probably as a distillery and boiler room, for one of Clare's most adventurous and long-running enterprises, the Stanley Wine Company.
Relevant Criteria
A building important to the understanding of the evolution and pattern of South Australia's environmental, social or cultural heritage and associated with the activities of persons or organisations significant in South Australia's past.
Significant Interest
Two rare industrial buildings that were apparently a part of two of Clare's most significant industrial ventures.
Externally they show the style of architecture associated with their branch of industry in the late nineteenth century and a successful use of local stone.
In 1881, the Clare Fruit Preserving Works were established to inspire a local industry.
However, the venture was not successful.
In 1894 a group of Clare businessmen and professionals established the Stanley Wine Company.
This venture was immediately successful.
It is recommended that this item be included on the Register of State Heritage Items

he two buildings being recommended on this site are the cellar door sales section, formerly distillery and the Board Room, formerly, apparently, a boiler room.
The tower section is of local stone walling with large quoins- similar to Meller quarry bluestone from Auburn.
The tower is about ten metres high and with the adjacent room is about 1 0.5m x 8.5m in measurement.
There is a lean-to the east approximately 3.5m deep.
The roof of the store and tower are hipped and the tower is topped by an ornate ventilator at the ridge point.
Internally, the tower and store have been largely divested of original equipment to serve its current function as sales centre.
Roof structure and walling have been left exposed. The Board room is a simple stone structure on a rectangular floor plan, approximately 13m x 7m.
Roof is gabled and capped with corrugated galvanised iron.
At the western end there is a large cast iron chimney projecting from the gable with a stone base about 1.5m square.
The interior of this building has been greatly altered and windows and doors added.
The Clare wine industry was given its greatest boost in the early 1890s when the foundation of a long-lasting venture occurred- The Stanley Wine Company.
They utilised the buildings of the failed Clare Fruit Preserving Company in a new manner: The Stanley Wine Company was set up in the old Jam Factory building in 1894 by four leading men,
Mr. Christison JP (brewer),
Mr Magnus Badger JP (solicitor) and
Mr. J. H. Knappstein (agent and vigneron).
The Company had been established to solve the problem of what to do with the products of the increasing number of vineyards in the Clare district and
at the October 1896 Adelaide Wine Show it won first and second prizes for a light red of 1896 vintage.
Many leading townsmen themselves planted vines; for example, Mr. Christison, Knappstein, Dr. Bain, Charles Kimber and sons, and R. E. H. Hope, son of John Hope and brother-in-law of Christison.
The opening of the renovated Stanley Wine Company cellars in February 1897 attracted an enormous amount of attention.
The local press praised the farsightedness of the men who formed the company.
The extensive machinery was described as well as the additions to the old Jam Factory.
Speakers heaped praise on the capacity of the land of the Clare district which 'was equal to any purpose'.
The wine that would be produced, claimed Mr Christison, 'would gladden the heart of man'.
By 1912, Joseph Knappstein had bought out the other shareholders.
The Knappstein interest was retained until 1976, even though the Heinz Co. bought a controlling share in 1971. The Winery was bought by Thomas Hardy & Sons in 1987.
Read more at the Clare Museum ; Joseph Knappstein
Visit the Buildings : Clare Historic Walk Map
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